Genuine craftsmanship and care put into every piece of furniture
在每一端製造細節都必需仔細思量,除了視覺美觀,我們更重視使用著的 “健康與安全”,藉由原木家具溫和的手感,傳遞觸感踏實又細緻的心意,我們的成品都會經由妥善檢查與包裝,由我們的服務人員親自送交到客戶府中,並提供保固服務 ─ 一件好的原木家具是值得您傳承與臻藏。
Great effort is put into every detail so our customers can trust the health and safety of each piece of furniture above and beyond its style and aesthetic appeal, giving a feeling of genuine comfort and delicate texture. All of our products are carefully examined and packaged before delivery. We also provide warrantees on all of our products. A nice piece of wooden furniture can be cherished through the generations.